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4Front Positive Leadership Series
COVID-19, technological transformation, changing work practices, a world-wide labour shortage, rising inflation, war, climate crises etc. are creating a highly Volatile, Uncertain, Chaotic and Ambiguous (VUCA) personal, professional and business environment. This VUCA environment necessitates changing the way we think, work and lead. To support your leadership journey, 4Front is proud to introduce its Positive Leadership Series, especially for Pharmacy. This series curates best practices aligned with emerging global trends, and applies them within an Irish Pharmacy context.
What Challenges Does the Positive Leadership Series Address?
This series is designed to provide you with both a big picture perspective AND practical shifts to expand your awareness and knowledge, so you become a leader who doesn't drown, but instead surfs the wave of exponential opportunities and creates a workplace culture where you, your team and your patients thrive and feel inspired to be at their best.
Burnout to Resilience
Workers are under tremendous stress. According to Mercer, 2022 Human Capital Trends (11,000 employees, 16 countries) 81% of employees feel at risk of burnout.
This may be even higher for owner-managers.
This may be even higher for owner-managers.
20/20, 360 Vision
Who has your back?
Fighting reality is a losing battle. Having the vision, clarity and perspective to see reality clearly and respond decisively are core leadership skills. No single person, no matter how brilliant, has the capacity to lead effectively alone. The most effective leaders collaborate, foster strengths and build teams who have shared goals and have each other's back.
Attracting and Retaining Key Workers
Staff are less and less willing to tolerate leadership styles or working conditions which are incompatible with what they value most. Successful leaders recognise it is THEY who need to change their approach if they want to attract and retain key talent in today's marketplace.
What Can I Expect from the Positive Leadership Series?
Curated by award winning leadership & wellbeing coach Rachel Dungan MPSI, PCC, known as 'The Pharmacist Coach.' Online sessions in this series are 90 mins in duration. The first hour brings you global leadership trends and cutting edge insights applicable to pharmacy in Ireland. This is followed by the opportunity to integrate your learning, share your perspectives and connect with colleagues in break-out rooms for up to 30 mins. Here, you have the opportunity to dive deeper into the learnings from the session and discuss how these learnings can be applied to yourself, your leadership and your pharmacy practice
Interactive, LIVE Online Delivery
4Front's Positive Leadership Series is delivered live, online, so that you can participate from anywhere and on any device with an internet connection.
Community Connection
Break-out rooms are designed to provide a safe space for 4Front Pharmacy Online Members to connect, share and discuss session content with colleagues from around Ireland. Break-out room conversations are not recorded in order to create a safe space for sharing.
Additional PREMIUM member benefits
Premium members enjoy additional benefit of on-demand access to the online library of recorded sessions in 4Front's Positive Leadership Series and a template to support you to record your CPD in your ePortfolio
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